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Beau Hardison

President, Aircraft Structural Inspections (ASI)

NDT Professional

Where a career in NDT can take you!

Many careers can take you places you never thought you’d be able to go.  Check out this video interview from our main instructor and experienced pro in NDT, Beau Hardison.  You might be surprised  how far this career can take you and where you could find yourself one day.

Beau Hardison is the President of Aircraft Structural Inspections LLC an FAA Repair Station in Mountain View, Arkansas. He has a background in aviation extending back to his teenager years working as a lineman for an FBO. He is a private pilot and has been actively flying since 1994 with a current single engine complex rating and is currently working on his instrument and multi engine ratings. He has his FAA repairman certificate and is an NDT Level III ASNT in Magnetic Particle, Penetrant, and Eddy Current and NDT Level II ASNT & NAS-410 in Magnetic Particle, Penetrant & Eddy Current as well as an NDT Level II in Ultra Sonic and X-Ray. He is a member of ASNT American Society of Non-destructive Testing, and is a participating member of ASTM American Society Testing Material serving on the Non Destructive Testing Committee which is the leading organization that writes and reviews written practices and standards used through out the world. He is also an FAA Safety Team Representative which is an appointed position based on knowledge, experience, and demonstrated skill whose mission is education and promotion of safety within the aviation community.

Steve Hill is the President of Lowell Quality Testing LLC located in Northwest Arkansas. LQT provides Level III services in Penetrant, Magnetic Particle, Eddy Current, Ultra Sonic, and Radiography. Steve is heavily involved and sought after by the Department of Defense and the pipe and oil industries. His background in NDT goes back over 25 years to the United States Air Force where he got his start as technician. After leaving the Air Force Steve went to work for NASA where he added to his skills as a technician as well as the methods he performs. He is an ASNT ACCP Level III #45266 in Penetrant, Magnetic Particle, Eddy Current, Ultra Sonic, and Radiography. He is also a member of ASNT American Society of Non Destructive Testing and has authored numerous techniques & procedures for industries and organizations such as the oil and pipe industry, DoD, and the FAA.

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy”

– Norman Vincent Peale